Saturday, February 5, 2011

Creativity and Freedom in US schools

          I think most of you studying in the US will agree to this post and all those who do not, please go back to your Engineering days in India and tell me how many such creative work did you see? Studying at RIT has been a great Ordeal, The quarter system, grading policy and courses here are tough enough for one to breathe. Fortunately I am not going to talk about all that, I happen to see a video today and it was created by students at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Ice hockey here is like cricket back in India. The RIT men team is leading the division and they are a very competitive side. The women hockey team on the other hand and unbeaten this year. They are one step ahead of the men team. I have watched a few matches now and its really a great game to watch and learn. It gets even better if the team you support is leading the points board.

         This post is not about RIT hockey team and the matches I have watched till now. Its about the students who are ardent fans of the RIT hockey team, who have created this amazing video. I really appreciate the effort that the students have put in creating this video. The first thought that came to my mind is; why didn't we do something like this during engineering days? Then I remembered that we did create one but did not post or publish it because the department was strict. For even small issues they would ask for the permission of the department head. Students in India are highly creative, its the problem with the universities and their policies. Games and extra curricular activities are never promoted, even if they do there are 1001 clauses to it. After four years of engineering we have a huge herd of people with loads of bookish knowledge and low on confidence and self belief.

         I like the way universities operate here. Students, staffs, professors everyone has equal freedom to express themselves without crossing any line. Ideas are shared and heard to, and people do implement them with due diligence.  The first video is the Lip Dub created by the students of RIT for the song "Eye of the Tiger". The RIT men team are called Tigers, the mascot for the team is Tiger (should i say Royal Bengal Tiger). The mascot's name is Ritchie, he gives away free Tiger T-shirts during the game.  The next video is of the Corner Crew, group of students who cheer the RIT Tigers during the game. I feel they end up pulling down the opponents more. Its great fun to watch the corner crew in action and the way they spice up the game. And I must also mention the band that plays during the games. Its an amazing ambiance and an electrifying environment to watch the game.

          All this makes me feel that universities back home must start focusing on things other than just studies. Universities are not factories manufacturing engineers for market outside. Education is a platform for learning, growth and at the same time some fun for students. Your comments are welcome, please watch the videos and have fun!

Eye of the Tiger

RIT Corner Crew

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